There are, in the works, approximately 280 movies based on video games in a permanently incomplete state right now. There's even one for The Sims, which is only slightly less silly than a Tetris movie, in my opinion. Anyway, it's time to cash in on the Pokemon franchise once again, but back to the original Red & Blue set, this time with live action and more star power than a barrel full of very important monkeys. The cast:
The role of Ash will be played by Ben Affleck. Ash is being reimagined in this film as someone much more like Ben Affleck.
Pikachu: Sean Connery. The movie begins with the regular "Pika, pika chu!" crap but near the beginning Meowth teaches Pikachu English for some reason. Hilarity ensues as Pikachu yells "I cannuh do it, cap'n!" in a Scottish accent.
Meowth: Christopher Walken. 'Nuff said.
Team Rocket: Donald Sutherland and uh... Meryl Streep.
Squirtle is to be played by Jack Black.
Here's a script excerpt:
Ash (Ben Affleck): Pikachu, you can't do this, you have to stay in the Pokeball!
Pikachu (Sean Connery, heavy Scottish accent): Pee-kah! Pee-kah Choo!
Ash: It's really not all that bad in there... I think.
Pikachu: Ah've had aboot enough a ya talkin', laddie! 'Ere's a li'l taste o' the lie'tnin fer ya!
That follows quite naturally from there. I may or may not post more film material on the site in the future.