The players asked for it and Nintendo said yes, so Paradox Interactive has finally announced the next big project in their strategy wargaming series,
Europa Universalis: Mario. Set in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario and his various Yoshi and Toad-like troops will square off against the Koopa forces and a hidden locked Wario nation. Nintendo and Paradox together have announced that Mario is finally going to star in the absolute last genre of game he hasn't yet been in (talks with Microsoft over a Mario flight sim have recently broken down) and complete his conquest of the gaming culture. Clearly, that above won't be the real cover of the game but is just something I whipped together with the GIMP. Here, however, are some real screenshots of the game, which have apparently been kept secret all the way through its alpha stages, with a demo ready to come out in the early summer. You'll have to click them to get a really good look.

I'm personally very excited and I can't wait to get a better look at this. I don't typically divert my blog just to get worked up about a specific game, but this one looks terrific.
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