I reviewed the God-Awful game Code of Honor 2: Conspiracy Island for AceGamez a while back, and MTV Multiplayer posted Metacritic's top ten worst games of 2008 today. I am proud to say that my review was partially responsible for keeping Code of Honor 2 #8 on that top ten list! Here's my blurb on its Metacritic page:
"Code of Honor 2: Conspiracy Island is a game that simply won't appeal to anyone who knows what a real first person shooter experience is like. It isn't over the top or realistic, it isn't exciting or interesting, the story is awful and none of the technical details are even close to being up to scratch either. All it really has going for it is that it installs, you can play it, and, as far as I know, it won't plant a virus on your computer."
I think it's also the funniest review out of that list, which is a real marker of how good a review of a bad game is. You can read the full review here.
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