Firstly, Jeff Brown from EA set FOX straight better than Geoff Keighley did in letter form (not like they'll show it on air, but oh well). You can read that letter here, because I've got to get on to the really exciting bit.
Cooper Lawrence, as I stated in my fun fact of the day, is likely even more hated than Jack Thompson among politically-active gamers right now due to her part in the same FOX News story. As you can observe in the video linked there, she laughed at the idea of having actually played the game, but represented Geoff Keighley's opposition and was given most of the speaking time. Therefore, the Amazon page of the book she promoted through that broadcast has:
- Nine 5-star reviews
- Zero 4-star reviews
- Two 3-star reviews
- Forty-Six 2-star reviews
- and 386 1-star reviews
"I'm also quite disappointed that Mrs. Lawrence would use sex appeal (the cover) to sell her book. Whether she realizes it or not there are a lot of kids in book stores today that will see this and get the wrong impression.That was perhaps the nicest of the reviews I found, some of which were a bit over the top, but I think that one was pitch perfect. This just made me feel like the Internet is a wonderful place all over again this morning. I hope you feel the same way.
Image means a lot Mrs. Lawrence, and you are damaging the youth of America."
Also, be sure to look at the tags customers have associated with the book. The entire list is very entertaining, including "bigot", "hipocrisy", and some phrases I'm unprepared to tarnish my site with at this time.
Update Update: An anonymous source at FOX claims that they have now invited EA onto the network themselves. I'd much rather they just apologize than try to fight with more lies, but we'll see what happens.
Hallelujah, praise the lord! Divine Intervention!
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