Thursday, February 7, 2008

Off-Topic Opinion: Too Much Orchestral Game Music

Just a quick thought: I believe that too many games now have big-name orchestras playing their music. It seems like games with a large enough budget just decide "Why not?" and hire one. Don't get me wrong, several first-person shooters like Halo should just stick with the orchestras so they don't end up with Dynasty Warriors-esque lame rock. I actually think Half-Life handles their music pretty well, with none for the majority of the game with special (non-orchestral) music suddenly coming up at tense points in the game. However, Ratchet & Clank should not have orchestral music. It's soft, unobtrusive, and completely forgettable, and I don't like that. I actually liked the one-man-with-a-computer compositions featured in similar 3D platformers like Spyro the Dragon that were sort of cool and at least could be heard. I know somebody will disagree with me, so go ahead and tell me so.

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